Tips to prepare yourself for lip waxing in Flower Mound

When you have an event to attend in Flower Mound, for sure, you dream looking gorgeous, but the lady mustache may interrupt. There is nothing to be nervous, self-conscious, or embarrassed in this condition. You can easily get rid of the furry lip area, and enjoy the smooth skin by lip waxing. The information hereunder is not anything latest or surprising to modern women. But what all of you don’t know is how to prepare yourself for lipwaxing in Flower Mound. So, we are going to tell about it in the upcoming passages of this article.    

How to get prepared for lip waxing?

To prepare yourself for lip waxing, you should follow up on the tips below, and enjoy the most possible result.
  • Avoid shaving
You should not indulge in misconception regarding lip waxing, such as shaving before a wax can give you excellent results. Well, this is not true at all. Rather, it can provide the worst result. You should allow hair to grow at least 1/4 inch and avoid shaping at least three to four weeks before upper lip waxing.   
  • Exfoliate
To achieve the soft and silky appearance and the best result, you should include a session of gentle exfoliate and moisturize one or two weeks before lip waxing. This step will help to be pulled hairs easily during waxing.
  • Avoid heavy lotions
If you ever had a spa treatment you may know, aestheticians advice to not wear any makeup before salon appointment. Thus, before lip waxing, they suggest to avoid applying heavy or light any sort of lotion over the face, specialty the area around the lip. No matter, it is an anti-aging or acne preventive product.
  • Stay out of the sun
Often ladies visit the spa, just after taking a sunbath. Well, the fact is the sun makes skin extra-sensitive, and the result of waxing can’t meet the expectation. So, specialists recommend avoiding sun before the salon visit, and even after waxing, you should stay away from the sun.      

A popular salon to visit for lip waxing 

For lip waxing in Flower Mound, you should contact an expert. You can book an appointment at a spa or beauty enhancement center in your locality. But before you visit one, you must have the proper information about it. In this regard, you can consider Lash Cafe & Spa LLC. Click on for details.


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